Tuesday 6 October 2009

Day+243 ( Tues 6th Oct)
Good morning to everyone. It’s 5.30am here and I’m sat by the light of the fairies, catching up. Ella’s nurse tonight isn’t one of the regular team, but she is a very lovely and experienced lady, Tricia, who has looked after us before. She is also very chatty and will chat to us all through the night, as if it is daytime. It’s quite funny really……it has the very calming effect on Ella, of sending her back to sleep rather than her worrying about going back to sleep , if you know what I mean. It has a different effect on me, as you can see! Last time she came, she brought in some photos of her cats for Ella to enjoy. She really is very nice indeed.
I’ll quickly tell you our news and then try another hour of zzzz’s. Yesterday was a good day. Mummy didn’t come back though. I know she was feeling better, but she has to have 48hrs of no symptoms before she can return. Ella was very disappointed, but we filled our time and the day passed quickly.
Ella had what, Muriel called, a duvet morning! She was fast asleep until well after 11.30am, so I decided to let her sleep on. It gave me time to do some reading and sorting out. Then it was all go! Reg arrived in the middle of our bed bath, with lots of goodies, and he even remade the bed, while Ella sat on my knee for 5mins.
When Liz arrived, to carry on with Ella’s literacy lesson, Ella was less then keen I have to admit. It’s very difficult to motivate a duvet diva…..but she struggled on ( Liz that is). It reminded me of some of my teaching days ! The lesson ended by deciding on Fridays Golden Time recipe….fruit salad.
Next TWO physios arrived, much to Ella’s horror, so there was no escaping the walk out into the corridor. She did really well though, considering walking hasn’t been a priority for a few weeks. The ‘carrot’ was that she could wash my hair if she managed the walk! So, it was into the bathroom, where we managed to fit in Ella in the chariot wielding the shower spray, me kneeling with my head over the bath and Reg in charge of the bleepers! Actually she made a very good job of it. Then it was all change while we washed Ella’s. After a quick shuffle round, Ella hung her head over the back of the chariot over a bowl, which Reg was holding, while I washed her hair. Got the picture? We drew the line at Reg’s!!!!
There was enough staff on yesterday for us to be able to go for a walk. So after Reg had gone, Sarah took us out. We paid another visit to the shop, for drinks and icecreams and then came back via the canteen, where I bought some tea for myself…….veggie stirffry!! We sat back up here then, eating and watching ‘Matilda’, until it was time to watch our favourite TV progs.
What else…oh yes…our pumpkin//skull! It may well become a fish yet, so that it can be part of our under water adventure story we’re writing with Liz. I'll keep you posted.
I’m going to finish now, well almost now. I’ve got to tell you about why the nurses’ hearts are fluttering. Ella spiked a temp during the night and it is the ‘law’ that bloods have to taken, to culture for bugs. Of course her lines weren’t bleeding back, so ‘Dr Gorgeous’ came to do the job. Another one with film star looks AND he made the job look easy. Even Ella was impressed….which at 1.00am with a needle stuck in your foot is quite something!
Anyway, bye bye from us and we send you lots of love and our thanks for all your support and loving prayers.
Ella and Annette.xx
PS Hi to everyone at OLOL. What a ‘todo’ yesterday! x
PPS Hi Becca. Enjoy your trip up here for weekend. Happy birthday Heather.xx


  1. Hi there.We are back again at the library! you can all have another laugh because the alarm went off again just before lunch.At least it was sunny.Laurie and I are going to keep our coats on from now on.So don't forget it tomorrow marie!
    I like the sound of Dr.Gorgeous,you will have to arrange for him to be needed when Grace and i visit at half term :).
    i have to say those eclairs look yummy Ella. We made a cheesecake on monday.It lasted 1 night.
    I hope your temperature has settled down now and mummy is feeling better and symptom free.we have just left school as Mrs Hodge and Miss Dempsey were conducting a 60 strong choir in the hall.I was very impressed it sounded fab.
    speak to you soon.All our love, hugs and kisses
    Sam ,Grace and John.XXXXXXX
    PS. it wasn't Mr Dave today - as far as i know!maybe Marie knows more!!!

  2. Glad to hear Ella you’ve managed to get out and about today. Nanna I feel photo’s of Dr Gorgeous may be required. I’ve had two days of plumbers who unfortunately are no Diet Coke Ad! I broke the heating twice yesterday! It’s now only working upstairs and freezing downstairs!
    Ella, Sam is Correct; Mr Dave was not responsible for today. I can confirm from my sources that somebody, remaining unexposed, decided to copy the "Toast Adventure" previously undertaken by certain adults know to you Ella who shall also remain nameless!!! This does appear to be the latest "Craze" at OLOL , Laurie's coat is already on standby as are his Wellies - I'm trying to work out how to attach them to him without them getting in the way. My current favourite is some form of Indian headdress, in uniform colours of course!! Maybe it will be the start of something!

  3. Hi Ella Bella. Sounds like you are becoming an expert at hairwashing - think Nana needs to ask someone to take pics next time. I like the sound of Dr. Gorgeous and will definately be keeping an eye out for him next time I come to see you. Heather is very excited that big sis Rebecca is coming home tonight to spend her birthday with her. We're off to Build-a Bear in Liverpool, lunch in Chinatown (looking forward to the ribs and crispy duck!)and then a go on the Duck Bus. This is what Heather chose to do instead of having a party. I think Rebecca and I will sneak off for a hot choc whilst Daddy goes on the Duck Bus with Heather and her friend. It goes into the water down a ramp and we'd be scared in case it sank!
    When I go into OLOL next week I'll be keeping my coat on and looking out for a small Indian Chief in full headress complete with dangling wellies! I hope you have a good day today and are able to get out for another little adventure.
    Love and hugs, June.xxx
