Monday 5 October 2009

Day +242 ( Mon 6th Oct)
Hi and welcome back. I wasn’t absolutely sure that I’d still be here tonight….but here I am. Why? Because the girls brought those Yorkshire ‘eeeebeeeegeeebeee’s’ back with them, AND they have been in bed with them all day, as well!! Actually, they both sounded much better when I spoke to them earlier….only walking wounded now. That ‘ll teach them to go mixing with flamingos!
Anyway, back to Manchester. We are still moving forwards. Dr Wynn was very pleased with the progress Ella has made over the last two weeks. He has tweaked her treatment slightly and plans more meetings soon.
Ella herself, and me of course, had one of those nights! It was very hot in here, Ella was thirsty…. but isn’t allowed a big drink after a certain time ( sore tummy ), I couldn’t sleep on the BGC ( stiff neck), so between us we managed to be awake for most of the night. Each time I made for my bed I must have triggered off Ella’s inbuilt alarm system, and she’d wake up wanting me to stay by her. In the end I got the ‘Fairies’ going and went up another 3 levels. Great therapy!! Funny how children can sleep through anything except us ( grownups) getting into bed isn’t it?
We have had a good though. We are now the proud owners of a papier mache balloon! It was going to be a pumpkin, but the balloon is the pear shaped kind….so now it’s going to be a skull! As you may have guessed our Halloween ‘deccies’ are in the pipeline….
When we had de-glued ourselves Liz came for Ella’s lesson. She was a little late because the hospital school has been ‘Ofsteded’ today, if you can believe it? A new music teacher arrived too , and Ali physio, but by now Ella had given her all and was fast asleep. ( Well she had her eyes firmly closed, anyway. Or maybe it was glue?)
Later on Ella had a lovely idea for us to have a beauty afternoon.
‘What shall we do then Ella?’
‘Well Nanna, we’ll take all your makeup off first and…..’
We did actually have a really nice hour and the end products were very becoming, I must say!
No trips out today sadly. There was only 2 staff on all day which meant we couldn’t leave the ward at all. Dr Wynn was unhappy about it too, but he doesn’t seem to be able to do much about the nurse staffing.
We are now in the peace and quiet of our room again. It is 10.30pm and Ella is fast asleep. I’m blogging, but soon to be sleeping if I can get passed the radar!
Nite nite from us here, and as usual we send you lots of love and thanks for your loving prayers and support.
Ella and Annette.xx


  1. Hullo Ella (and team!),

    So glad you liked the bubbles! I was thinking of you this weekend; I went to Hampstead (a really nice little village with a big park and lots of swings) and I walked past a fairy shop. It was amazing; a tiny little shop entirely full of fairies... hanging from the ceilings, covering the walls, all over the window (there were lots of fairy lights too), lots of fairy costumes hanging up and toadstools to sit on... and coming out of the doorway of the shop were lots and lots of bubbles :) They were blowing all the way down the street!

    Hope you're not too chilly in Manchester - it's definitely winter coat time, brrr. I'm going home this weekend to see Heather, she's going to be 8 (so is nearly as big as me).

    Love Beccy xx

  2. Hi everyone, ladies hope you're feeling better now and back to your usual selves. Wasn't quite what I had in mind about you're adults being in a non eventful weekend Ella! Hopefully the staffing issues have sorted themselves out today and you can spend more time out and about. I'm doing battle with our new heating system, I'm trying to get some!! Maybe I should read the instructions! But the running up and down stairs to the celler is certainly working those muscles! Do you have any photo's of Nanna's makeover Ella? Love and Prayers The Waites

  3. Hi Ella you may already know! Mr Dave the new caretker set of the fire alarm at school today, result 570 children standing outside in the pouring rain. Not to mention the staff! Not funny I know! Can you imagine an entire school having to change into the PE kits (now that did make me laugh!) Apparently some individuals were trying to take their lunches outside with them to eat. I'm told there was an extended lunch to allow for it. Moral don't move tables during the school day if your name is Mr Dave bless him! Sorry Mrs Robinson I really am a responsible parent if you read this! Thought this might make you smile Love the Waites
