Sunday 11 October 2009

Day +248 (11th Oct Sun)
Hi and here we are again, back in office , so to speak. It’s 10.30pm and Ella has just had her latest medicines before she settles down for what I hope will be a comfortable sleep. I know from Daddy that she has slept quite well for a couple of nights.
There was quite a change on Friday night….Sam came to stay too. Sally found out from the Family Care Team, by chance, that there is accommodation in the adults’ hospital for families to stay, well at least a child. So, on further investigation it was available on Friday night and when Damian came up he brought Sam with him. It was a treat for Ella and Sam to have breakfast together and a little play, and then he came back with Sally on Saturday afternoon.
There have been changes to Ella’s treatment since last week. Dr Wynn and his team have decided to try Ella on another course of chemo, which she started on Friday. Other drugs have been adjusted too, to fit in with this new move.
While all this has been going on, and more to the point….while I’ve been at home, Sally has tidied up and sorted out Ella’s room. You know us…..we like to live in homely clutter, but as per usual it was getting a little out of hand again. We just don’t like to throw anything away, that’s the problem. When Sally told me that she had unscrewed shelves I was wondering what I would be coming back to!! As it happens all is well. The cupboards are still intact and everywhere looks very nice…..just moved round, one place to the right!
Ella had the lovely idea of making a salad for my tea, so before Damian left I had to dash out to Tesco to buy the bits and bobs. We then spent a great hour cutting it all up, together 5 pieces of fresh fruit to make a fruit salad, all of which I had to eat….. Honestly, my tummy has been fizzing all evening. I must have had all my fruit and veg rations for the whole week!
I’m going to close now and try to catch some sleep while Ella slumbers. I have got my new PJ’s on. They have already raised a couple of eyebrows…Ali’s and Jo’s. They are very posh……coffee coloured satin. What about that then? They feel nice and warm, but I’m a bit worried about the static on the BGC. What do you think? At least if Dr Gorgeous comes along I’ll look presentable, in a Mrs Bucket sort of way.
Night night from here. We send you lots of love and thanks for all your caring wishes and loving prayers.
Ella and Annette.xx
PS Love all your news. Hope you all managed to get to the fireworks displays?
PPS Hope all at St John’s are safe and well. Sue has a matching pair of PJ’s if I remember rightly?x
PPPS We are looking forwards to seeing Sam again tomorrow….he is back here to see the Drs for his checkup and bloods.
PPPPS Hi to Anne. Hope you've managed to log on again?x

1 comment:

  1. Hi Ella & Family,
    So sorry to hear that you have to go through chemo again, hope they have got your favourite lollies there.
    Bet you can't wait for bon-fire night you should get an excellent view out of your greenhouse.
    Hows the meals going Annette, are you still going down to the canteen,Ha ha
    Lots of love & kisses
    Always thinking of you & praying for you Ella.
